Holy Potatoes! We’re In Space?!

Behind the Spud: Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?!

We're In Space?! Looks pretty darn great, almost like one of a wacky Saturday morning cartoon. The larger than life characters really complete the picture and make for a wonderful. Summary: In Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!, explore a veggie-filled universe with Cassie and Fay on their journey to rescue their grandfather, Jiji! Defeat your enemies in strategic turn-based combat, manage your very own spaceship, and explore dozens of procedurally generated planets, stars and galaxies!

Welcome one, welcome all!

We have recently started the production of a Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! sci-fi and space themed sequel! As such, we are going to start posting weekly development updates on the progress we are making with our newest game. In the meantime, we decided to take you guys along for the ride so you can follow our progress!

The idea of a sequel has been bouncing around the office for a few months now, and as of the start of the new year we finally began the production process. In saying this, let us begin by going through what we have so far and what the new game is all about! This post will only discuss the main features of the game as production has only recently started, but subsequent posts will contain all the nitty gritty details of the new title:

Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?!

Logo Concept Sketches.

Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! is a space/sci-fi themed game where you will manage a spaceship and explore hundreds of planets within a number of sectors of the universe. On these planets, you will be able to mine for resources and scour for blueprints to craft mining and combat weapons for your spaceship! When exploring planets, you will also encounter enemy ships which will engage you in galactic space battles! Lastly, you will also be confronted with boss battles that will test your strategic cosmic fighting abilities!

A few planet sketches.

Speaking of the battle system, our plan is to have turn-based encounters. The spaceships will be equipped with a number of weapon slots, and during each turn you get to decide which weapon you wish to fire! We are also planning on implementing a feature where you can charge up weapon attacks and unleash an epic bombardment from all your weapons at once, should you wish to do a huge amount of damage in one fell swoop!

Potential Ship Models.

Every spaceship needs a crew, so why not hire the best engineers the galaxy has to offer! We will have a few dozen engineers you will be able to recruit that will carry out specific roles in your spaceship. For instance, some engineers will man the combat and mining weapons, others will be in charge of crafting, and a couple will take care of the engine room. All engineers will be able to learn special skills that will affect the weapons they are handling or roles they are carrying out. With that being said, we haven’t forgotten that a spaceship needs a captain, which of course will be YOU!

Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! will, without a doubt, continue to be based in a potato universe filled with spuds, puns, and references! Only this time around, we will have a whole myriad of races to go along with the veggie themed adventure. To name a few, intergalactic carrots, cosmic cauliflowers, evil onions, broccoli, and cucumbers may all make an appearance in the new title!

Galactic Veggies. Aren’t they the CUTEST!

Lastly, you will be able to craft weapons using blueprints, as well as construct different rooms for your spaceship. These rooms will serve unique purposes, such as an infirmary to heal wounded engineers, an engine room to manage your spaceship’s fuel and engine, a navigation room for your captain, and a refinery to refine ores and craft weapons out of the materials you have gathered from exploring planets!

Mining Weapons!

As of now, the features mentioned in this post are pretty much all the main features that the game will revolve around. There are more features in the works and a ton of smaller details that will be added to the game. For now, take everything with an itty-bitty grain of salt, as some features will most likely change, others may vanish, and new ones will definitely be added. We would be more than happy to hear what you guys have to say and if you have any nifty ideas up your sleeves of what could be implemented into the game!

Thank you for taking the time to read through our very first developer diary!

Follow us and anything Holy Potatoes! with the following links!

Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/holypotatoes/
Steam Community Page: http://steamcommunity.com/app/505730/discussions/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holypotatogame/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/holypotatogame

The Holy Potatoes! subreddit is a little lacking right now, but we are hoping with the developer diaries and the sequel coming along that we can continue to grow the community over there and get some discussions going!

Ciao for now,


And beyond!

iOS + Android

Space travel is addictive. That’s why we can’t peel ourselves away from Holy Potatoes! We’re In Space?!

It’s not exactly a chip off the old block when it comes to space adventures, instead it’s a brand new buttery mash of its own creation.

Boil ‘em, mash ‘em, stick ‘em in space, Holy Potatoes is a great game and we’ve got some fresh tips right here to help you with combat, so get ready to dominate space itself.

Read on for everything you need to know about space combat.

No guns = no pain

So you’re facing off against an enemy. They have a weak hull, which shouldn’t take too long to shoot through the shields and take the whole ship down. Sounds easy, right?

Well in the meantime you’ll have to deal with their weapon fire, which honestly becomes problematic very quickly indeed. So the solution, of course, is to take their guns away entirely.


Shoot down the guns first and they’ll only be able to ram your ship at best, which means you can at least focus your shield on your hull.

Shielding what’s most important

You’ll need to shift your shields around during battle in order to protect important parts of the ship. For example, if your guns are damaged then you might want to protect them instead of your hull, if doing damage is important to you.

The hull is incredibly important though, and as such you should make sure it’s well protected. Making sure guns are okay is one thing, but if it puts your hull at risk it’s too much danger, frankly.

Remember that if guns go down the crew member manning them will need treatment, in addition to crafting new weapons, but if the hull goes down that’s everything. Make sure to evacuate before that point.

Guns are temporary

As we’ve said, guns don’t last forever. If you get your guns shot off of you in battle, they’re gone, and the crew member is in the treatment centre to deal with the trauma.

As such you’re going to need to make sure that if you’re guns go down you’ll have replacements when you return to the ship, or can craft replacements quickly.

Of course your crew member will be down too, as we’ve said, so having extra crew members aboard ready to take their place in case a boss battle or something comes along is a good measure.

Holy Potatoes We're In Space Best Crew

Showing mercy

It’s tempting to just blast enemies to hell every single time, but actually you might be better off letting them live.

After you’ve destroyed the enemies’ guns they’ll actually let you know that they’re willing to retreat and pay you a tidy sum in order to let them get away. This will be visible at the beginning of your turn in the bottom right corner of the screen, next to the enemy character portrait.

You might get better rewards for taking the enemy down entirely, but it’s a good place to end the battle, especially since the enemy might ram your ship for additional damage, or they might escape before you can even finish them off.

Know when to go

Just like how the enemies know when to escape, you should know when you leave too.

If your hull has taken serious damage or you shields are down, it’s best to just get out of there immediately.

Same goes if you want to protect your guns. If they’re damaged and you want to keep them, you’ve got to get out immediately.

Holy Potatoes We're In Space Cheats


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Holy Potatoes We're In Space Promo Codes

Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! is a turn-based exploration game which'll make you think twice about eating your veg